Silent Symphony® Replacement Motor

SKU: SS-Motor
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  • Regular price $11.99
  • 4 available

Replacement motor for Silent Symphony Solar Rainbow Makers (all models).

Is your Silent Symphony not working but the solar cell looks fine? Try these Troubleshooting Tips:

  1. The wood of the motor housing can swell over time causing pressure on the motor. Loosen the motor screws then check to be sure the brass worm gear of the motor is centered in the hole of the wood motor housing before gently retighten the screws.
  2. Using two fingers, lift one black gear post then remove your fingers letting the gear post drop. Be sure to do this with each black gear several times. This step can help realignment after the motor screws have been adjusted.


After trying these tips, take the unit outdoors in full, direct sunlight to see if it works. You may need to give the worm gear a spin to get it started. If the unit is working let the unit run outdoors in full, direct sunlight (attended) for about 5-10 minutes to help get the unit running smoothly.

**Note** please don’t ever add any type of oil to the unit. Oils will eventually cease the motor. Use only graphite powder if your unit has a squeak.