Solar Panel Wiring Information
- General Use: Most applications require batteries to be used in-circuit. The batteries must be charged by the solar panel and the batteries will in turn power your device. Solar operating voltage must be slightly higher than the battery voltage. Direct powering of devices requires knowledge of the voltage and current of your device.
- Light bulbs: Light emitting diodes (LED's, which require 3 volts, plus 50mA per LED) work best for mini-panel applications.
- Motors: Our best electric motor for mini-panel applications is part number MC-05/07 (rated at 0.5V to 7.2V. 100mA to start-up, 20mA to run). The most important factor for operating miniature motors is the current (or amperage). Most other motors will require at least 200mA to 500mA of current with the voltage being less important.